OVOC#1: The Art of Giving for Business Success
Learn how being a giver can actually contribute to your business success. In fact, success in all areas of your life. Plus, we are sharing an answer to a business question that I received directly from Sir Richard Branson.
I’m absolutely thrilled to be able to share with you the Episode 1 of our podcast. It has been such a fun experience putting everything together for you.
Every week we will be covering topics related to business, business success, online marketing, all the way from social media to email newsletter opt-in forms, the importance of building your database and branding design. Also, we will be talking about the different kind of mindset that you need to have which is very, very crucial for your business success.
Being an entrepreneur it is a really amazing thing to do.
You need to be really creative amongst many other things like time management and leadership qualities. I will also share with you how to actually have the correct mindset and how to overcome all the different things that Entrepreneurs – all of us face.
What we will be covering about in this podcast will be mainly for small businesses and business start ups and basically how to have business success really take your business to the next level and I’m very excited to share this because this Is what I really care about, helping you to achieve your dreams – business dreams, your lifestyle dreams, your goals, your financial freedom, your time freedom, be able to spend more time with your family, your loved ones, your partner, and do all the things you really love to do.
I believe that businesses have a big purpose and if done correctly, if we are all givers we could actually change the world and make the world a better place.
In this podcast, we talk about Art of GIVING – the giving concept.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Who we are and what we will be covering each week
- The amazing lifestyle and perks that comes with being an Entrepreneur
- How being a giver will help you in your business success
- The 3 categories that all of us fall into
- A business tip that I received from Sir Richard Branson
- Examples of how to start being a giver today
- Special business strategy for Life Coaches and Consultants
Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.
Links mentioned in this episode:
- The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea
- Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success
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