Ways to make your email marketing Stand Out
Email marketing is the most easy and fast way to channel your message to your customers. You have the green light from the people on your email list to allow you to send information to them. An open invitation to nurture and build trust in your brand. Messages are sent out to build relationships and communication to update them on the latest information. However, email recipients are becoming more caution and selective reading due to malware and virus attachments. Therefore creating great content in your email communications is important. Your email marketing materials must has influential factor in generating an email open, so making your subjects stand out from the rest email, the subject must be strong and capture attention, especially once the email is opened and the message capture the readers to continue reading it. With the all the junk emails overload in their computer and people are facing with every day, your company need to get creative and innovative for their message to be heard. Carefully select the perfect graphic design to blend with your content, no point of having a poor quality message whereas people don’t bother to click through to your communication.
Audience Email
Understanding which audience (e.g. potential leads or existing customers) you are sending your email to. Before creating your email, know which group of the audience belong it will helps you tailors the correct messaging to meet their specific needs. This increase the chances of open rate and the higher amount of people who actually click through to your email. If your email is targeting a new list of customers this could also determine whether or not, they unsubscribe from future sends.
Personalized Appeal
Addressing the recipients by his / her name has more personalized touch approach. Email macros make it easy and how you use a person’s name is just as important. The best emails is making the recipients feel personal and important, but also reach out like an old friend. When the recipient open their inbox and seeing an email greeting them personally will increases the chance their reading interest. Also, try using target personal factors such as location-specific services or products. Understanding your client’s data and them group together in similar subscribers. You can then break down your campaign and personalise your subject line and/or content accordingly.
Check With Yourself
Ask and check will the email capture attention. Be more creative and interest the readers to continue reading your email from the start to the end. If you wouldn’t open your own email, basically your style is somewhere goes wrong and chances that everyone will ignore your emails.
Correct Timing
Know the best timing to send your emails out to your customers. Study show that Tuesday is the best day of the week for email marketing materials compare to any other day of the week. Also, majority of the people check their email first thing in the morning, but you knowing that your clients are in multiple time zones play a important factor of sending your email. Another factor is the answer to the question of when to send your emails differs depending on your group of audience.
Curate Awesome Products
If you sell products on your website, whether through user-generated content or your own inventory, consider curation by following the Etsy method. Your eCommerce software likely uses algorithms to provide a great user experience directly on your company’s website, and the same should be true for your email marketing campaign.
Curate and send product suggestions based on items the user has recently viewed. Doing so time and again lets the user know you’re invested in the experience. He or she is more likely to see your emails as valuable content rather than a straight-forward marketing campaign. In addition to curating products, include content too – but not just items from your blog. Include relevant third-party resources, too. It’s more likely to position you as an industry expert.
Catchy, unique subject line
Be creative and teaser with relevant information helps drive people to click in and see what you have to talk about. Your subject line is the first thing your audience sees when they scroll through their inbox, so go for something that’s unique, creative and pops out at them.
Users Engagement
It’s not enough to only nudge or ask for feedback. A standout email marketing campaign should provide a clear path for engagement. Don’t wait until your users are already inactive. Intermix your email blasts with notifications that promote user engagement.
Looks Attractive
An impressive looking marketing newsletter will gain more attraction, make it clean, modern design that looks good and is easy to read across different mobile devices and browsers. Most newsletters are consumed on mobile devices so focus primarily on a layout that is mobile friendly. Keep your email layout and design as less complicated as possible. Also, keep in mind that you don’t have to squeeze in reams of information, just include an attractive header image, beautiful pictures, short text and a call to action. Break your content into blocks or subheadings to make it easily readable.
Email design and layout
A great visual, even if it’s simple can help draw your customers and audience in better than a page of text. Use different font and size text, make it colour to help the email fresh and draw the reader attention to important pieces of information you want people to see. The important part of the layout and design is which platforms you want people to be able to view your email on. Some platforms automatically adjust your email to fit the various devices people may be viewing it on. Ensure to test your email layout if it fit to the device of your audience that is most likely to view it on.
Short & Straight to the Points
Be sure that your message is not too lengthy, you are not writing a history or autography. No one will spend time on reading unnecessary information. Goes straight to the points and give a great impressive of your message.
Branding Consistency
Your branding shines through in your email marketing campaigns, you can change the style and the body of your email on the messaging, most important to keep the header and footer consistent. Retain some of the elements so that your customers will immediately recognize your brand once they open the email.
Close Your Emails with a Question
Most marketing emails end with a call to action. And while there is nothing wrong with that, the recipient is going to either answer that call or disregard it. By asking a question, we give them a third option – the option to engage with you even if they are not quite ready to move forward with a sale. At this point you can respond with a personalized message. This is a great opportunity for you to share with them how your product or service will solve their problems or meet their needs. Even if your reply does not garner a sale, you will stand out from all of the canned messages in their inbox. This also creates a personal conversation they will likely come back to for future information
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