Social Media Mistakes That Can Kill Your Brand
Have you ever wondered why your efforts and time on social media are still not able to show a positive ROI? Having a brand presence online on all available social media will not guarantee you to deliver positive revenue.
It is right that all social media has great potential to increase the traffic and reach of a website. However it can actually damage your brand’s reputation, if not used wisely and properly.
We share with you some tips that you need to avoid at all costs .
Social media mistakes that can kill your brand:
Committing to too many social media networks
It’s a wrong approach to commit yourselves to all available social networks. By doing so, you lose focus and fail to cater effective use of social media. We suggest you focus on any 2-3 social media platforms where you think your customers / potential customers are active. It is better to fully commit to a regular posting schedule on a few selected networks than letting many remain as inactive.
Being impersonal
Social media need to have a lot of interactions to make it a good success. What if, you communicate with your customers in form of “cut and paste”? Wouldn’t that create a hindrance between you and your customers? Personalizing your messages and conversation will have a great impact in the minds of readers and it helps to build a trustworthy relationship.
You do not provide a valuable content
We often hear the word “content is gold”. Yes it is! If you provide a low quality repetitive content, chances are that you will get stuck by not getting anywhere on creating brand awareness on social media. It’s more likely to have a negative impact with poor quality contents as it evokes no enthusiasm or add no value to your customers. So create content that helps your prospects evaluate you against your competition.
Being inconsistent in posting on social media
Do you offer shocking surprises to your readers by posting contents whenever you feel like it, that may not sound professional. It is good to have a posting schedule for each social media channel. Visitors like to be able to expect something and soon they will come to look forward to your posts often.
Using social media as a billboard to promote your products constantly
Understand that the primary goal of your social media page is not to directly sell your product or services. Rather than talking more about your brand, focus on sharing information that is of interest to your customers, offer required solutions to their questions and make them feel special. So don’t push yourself to sell more on social media by constantly advertising your brand.
So, are you committing these social media mistakes that can kill your brand. If yes, stop them now immediately and rectify them now.
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